Month: June 2018

Episode 25 – job losses at Rogers Media and a master class in organizing

Sandy and Nora look at the right way and the wrong way to respond to the news that Rogers Media has laid off one-third of their digital media workers (first third of the episode). Then, they offer a master class in organizing: what do we mean when we say we must organize, and how can we collectively be as effective as possible?

Episode 24 – Resistance in Fordtario

Doug Ford is about to become Ontario’s Premier. How did we get here and how must we resist? Sandy and Nora have your answers.


Image: National Post

Episode 23 – is the left failing to train new activists?

Where do young activists learn their skills? In this episode Sandy and Nora talk about the student movement and how the left needs to renew itself through targeting training (education, campaigns, jobs) for young people.