white supremacy

Episode 175 – B.C. on fire

In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk about British Columbia: from fires to floods, from RCMP to a lack of climate action. Plus, they talk about Iqaluit activists fighting for suicide prevention measures and the COVID-19 vaccine for kids.

Episode 168 – Policing online harassment?

In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk about the latest onslaught of online harassment targeting racialized journalists, and explain why the police will not be able to save anyone from this abuse. Plus, we talk about Trudeau in Tofino, Fairy Creek and Elizasuck May.

Episode transcript.

Episode 144 – a femicide crisis

In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk about femicide in Canada and how political inaction isn’t because there is a lack of understanding or of resources, but because politicians literally do not care that women are being killed. Plus, we talk about a boat that is no longer stuck in the Suez.

Update to the murder investigation in Hawkesbury: five suspicious deaths in the hospital’s COVID unit are now being investigated: https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/victim-in-hawkesbury-hospital-homicide-was-89-year-old-man-from-quebec

Episode transcript

Episode 134 – Canadian Media Whites Again

In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk about CBC Winnipeg, rabble, Black writers being ignored for wanting to write about the far right, Passage’s media relations list and how white supremacy is maintained inside Canadian newsrooms.

Episode 133 – an American coup in DC?

In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk about everything we still don’t know about the racist insurrection in Washington DC. They ask why are the details so sketchy, and why are journalists pretending it’s over? Also: nationalize telecoms and the internet now.

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Episode 128 – doing nothing about COVID workplace outbreaks

In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk about how COVID outbreaks are still most common in workplaces, and yet, no politician has a plan to address workplace health and safety, which will exacerbate the pandemic and make things even worse.

Episode 127 – Decoding the US election

In this episode, Sandy and Nora look at the US election results: what they mean and, importantly, what they mean for leftist organizing and for Canadians. Lots of other updates in the episode too!

Episode 119 – is white supremacy intensifying?

From saddling Black entrepreneurs with debt and calling it progress, to white settler fishers in Nova Scotia threatening Mi’kmaq fishers asserting their constitutionally-protected rights, to a white supremacist committing random murder in Toronto, Sandy and Nora ask: is white supremacy intensifying? It’s always bad but it seems like its … particularly bad right now?

Episode 105 – if white is a verb, Canadian media keeps whiting

In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk  about Canadian media, and how white supremacy is embedded throughout, making life hell for racialized journalists and diminishing the quality and accuracy of the news.

Click here for the unedited transcript.

Episode 104 – no police? No problem.

In this episode, Sandy and Nora respond to some of the questions that listeners asked about defunding the police. We also talk about the role that power and white supremacy play in policing and we celebrate hitting Number Ten on Canada’s news podcast charts.

Episode 99 – The economy is code for white supremacy

As politicians and some activists demand that the economy be opened, Sandy and Nora examine how opening the economy is upholding whiteness and reinforcing white supremacy.

Episode 86 – a. c. a. b.

In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk about police and the various shenanigans they’re up to across Canada. We also talk briefly about the commemoration of the Islamophobic attack of January 29 2017 and Ryerson University’s attempt to shut down the Ryerson Students’ Union.

Shout-out to Unifor workers who have put their bodies on the picket line this week and who felt the force of Regina police, a group we forgot to mention in our round-up.

Episode 71 – fascists vs. antifascists

Sandy and Nora track the rise in talking about antifascists as being terrorists. From Maxime Bernier’s PP party to Donald Trump, we ask: where is the mainstream left defending antifascist resistance?

Episode 67 – Canada’s genocide denial complex

Indigenous Peoples’ Month in Canada comes to an abrupt end with Canada Day on July 1 – who are the agents working hard to erase Canada’s genocidal history and present? And how can we combat the talking points that obscure, hide  or make it dangerous to talk about genocide and colonialism?

Please, please read the final report of the National Inquiry into Missing Indigenous Women and Girls https://www.mmiwg-ffada.ca/final-report/

Episode 54 – global terrorism’s white face

This has been a difficult week, especially if you have been watching the rise of organized white supremacists for years. In this episode, Sandy and Nora dissect how the media and politicians have failed so badly at grasping this threat, and conclude with things that are giving them hope.

Episode 47 – Covington MAGA teens buy their redemption

Last week, journalists were played by an invented viral controversy. In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk about the racist and women-hating Covington Catholic School teensand why we need journalists to be better at understanding what goes viral, and why. Here is the link that Sandy references in the episode: https://sandyandnora.com/episode-47-covington-maga-teens-buy-their-redemption/

Episode 42 – Far right rhetoric on the front page of the Toronto Star

In this episode, Nora and Sandy debunk the racist rhetoric that surround so-called “anchor babies” and eviscerate the Toronto Star for publishing a report full of technical issues, on its front page.

Episode 37 – Sandy and Nora vs. The Munk “Debate”

Live from Toronto on Nov. 2, Sandy and Nora take on The Munk Debate. From Frum and Bannon to Bay Street’s continued colonial exploitation of locations across the globe for mining, they tie together extremely obvious links that everyone in the mainstream media somehow forgot the week prior to this debate.

Special thanks to the Black Liberation Collective at Ryerson, volunteers at CJRU and Noah for capturing this sound, staff at the Ryerson Student Centre and the folks who arrived early enough to help us set up and take down the chairs. It was greatly appreciated.

This is part one of two parts. The second part, the Q&A, is Episode 38.



Episode 19: To be not a man online.

Sandy and Nora dive into the Toronto attack and what we know of the world that Alek Minassian is thought to have been a part  of. From MRAs to real-life violence, why don’t men believe women, and where are men in responding to other men?

Episode 18: Right-wing extremism on trial: is Canada paying attention?

The shooter of the Quebec City mosque, Alexandre Bissonnette’s sentencing hearing is underway. What have we learned about his extremist views? Now that Islamophobia and racism have been clearly identified as his motivation, is the rest of Canada paying attention and learning from what we now know?

Episode 17, part two: the eye of the alt-right online hurricane

Nora and Sandy conclude their discussion about what it looks like when the [extreme] right chooses a target and organizes its minions to swarm.

Make sure you listen to Part One first!

Episode 17, part one: the eye of the alt-right online hurricane

Nora and Sandy talk about the news that has bombarded them both this week: that it’s never the right time and it’s never the right place to talk about systemic injustice.

Episode 13: Is the NDP supporting Jagmeet Singh enough?

This week, Sandy and Nora talk about how journalists have let racism take over their coverage of Jagmeet Singh, and whether or not the NDP is really doing what it must to support Singh through these attacks.

Episode 3: The white supremacy episode

2017 might just be the year where mainstream Canada reckons with white supremacy — or maybe not. From Justin Trudeau being a white supremacist to marches promoting hatred happening across Canada, Sandy and Nora make the necessary connections of these flashpoint events to broader systems and structures of white supremacy. With M103, the anti-Islamophobia motion soon to be debated in the House of Commons, it’s critical to understand this debate in the context of white supremacy.

The White Supremacy episode: from “should I punch a Nazi?” to: “here are the range of ways to disrupt, bother and challenge Nazis in the streets”