Ontario conservatives

Episode 58 – the end of public higher education in Ontario

Last week, Doug Ford released his new budget. In it, his government committed to changing how universities and colleges are funded, by referring to “performance outcome” … two words that when placed beside one another, become so meaningless that it’s almost funny to read in a budget.

Sandy and Nora are sounding the alarm — this is literally the end of higher education as we know it, and they explain why.

Episode 46 – Doug vs. student democracy

In part 2 of 2 episodes on the Ford government’s higher education announcement, Nora and Sandy break down “voluntary student unionism” and how making democratically-decided mandatory student fees optional will send a decisive blow to everything from your campus press to the services of the student union. Check out part 1 here: https://sandyandnora.com/episode-45-doug-ford-reduces-tuition-fees-smashes-osap-screws-student/

Episode 31 – Constitutional crisising in Toronto

Sandy and Nora are back! They took some time off so that things could get really, really bad so that their debut episode for the 2018-19 season could be full of gasping, laughter and doom. In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk about the electoral crisis that Doug Ford’s PC government has plunged Toronto into, Section 33 of the constitution and how the broad left should be fighting back.

Episode 24 – Resistance in Fordtario

Doug Ford is about to become Ontario’s Premier. How did we get here and how must we resist? Sandy and Nora have your answers.


Image: National Post

Episode 12: Douggie F, the new leader of the Ontario PC Party

The people of the “Progressive” Conservative Party of Ontario have spoken, and Doug Ford is their leader. What does this mean for progressives, if anything? How should they respond, if at all? In this podcast, Sandy and Nora discuss this and whether or not we should even care. Spoiler Alert: we should.

Episode 8: From Me too Us: the limits of the Me Too movement

This episode explores the Me Too movement. From Patrick Brown, to the poisonous and pervasive sexism within politics, to broader movement issues and questions, we take a tour of the state of feminism today.

This issue deals with the matter with a mix of humour and anger: our best survival tools. Skip the first 15 minutes if you don’t want to hear about all the ways in which Patrick Brown’s press conference was a disaster.