Month: May 2020

Episode 102 – a she-cession? Really?

In this episode, Sandy and Nora explore the narrative that has emerged about how the COVID-19 pandemic has hurt women in particular. They argue that recessions always hurt women and that framing this one as being somehow unique erases the racial and classed dynamic of who is most injured.

Episode 101 – will politicians let COVID-19 kill the arts?

In this episode, Sandy and Nora ask why artists have been forgotten in the pandemic response, and argue that we need to give them money to survive and practice their art, with no strings attached.

To use the discount code mentioned in the show to order Nora’s book, go here:


Cover image is from here:


Episode 100 – Universal income? Basic.

In this episode Sandy and Nora celebrate 100 by going back to a debate that has surfaced in the past few weeks: universal basic income. They argue that a UBI, in absence of a strong social support system, would be a mistake.

Episode 99 – The economy is code for white supremacy

As politicians and some activists demand that the economy be opened, Sandy and Nora examine how opening the economy is upholding whiteness and reinforcing white supremacy.