pop culture

Episode 101 – will politicians let COVID-19 kill the arts?

In this episode, Sandy and Nora ask why artists have been forgotten in the pandemic response, and argue that we need to give them money to survive and practice their art, with no strings attached.

To use the discount code mentioned in the show to order Nora’s book, go here: https://fernwoodpublishing.ca/books


Cover image is from here: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/how-street-artists-around-world-are-reacting-to-life-with-covid-19-180974712/


Episode 80 – does the left really eat itself?

In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk about how knowledge is disseminated and coopted, and how oftentimes we blame other leftists for forces that are highly coordinated and manipulated by the right. We also check in with how Justin Trudeau is doing!

Episode 65 – why does the left ignore pop culture’s lessons?

The Toronto Raptors became Canada’s team, and the fervor and culture around the team tells us a lot about ourselves. Sandy and Nora talk about pop culture – sport, music, TV and image – and how the left ignores the lessons we can learn from pop culture at its peril.