In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk about police and the various shenanigans they’re up to across Canada. We also talk briefly about the commemoration of the Islamophobic attack of January 29 2017 and Ryerson University’s attempt to shut down the Ryerson Students’ Union.
Shout-out to Unifor workers who have put their bodies on the picket line this week and who felt the force of Regina police, a group we forgot to mention in our round-up.
I love your podcast. But today I unsubscribe, feeling sick to my stomach. I hate the Ford government, and everything it stands for. But your stance on policing in this province is abominable. Are there bad cops? Absolutely. Does racial profiling happen? Absolutely. But condemning someone appointed to the Human rights commission because they work for the police makes you no better, really. If you had done your research you would have discovered that Mr. Arsenault is a stellar, stand up human being, who has spent much of his career working specifically with the communities you imply he will now be targeting or ignoring. Shoddy research, ladies. I expected so much better from you. Think about this: is condemning someone because of the uniform they wear really any different than condemning someone because of the colour of their skin? No. No it’s not. You haven’t given him a chance to prove himself through his actions. (I cannot comment how he got the spot. That I know nothing about. However maybe, JUST MAYBE, he is actually the right person for this position?)
As for salaries, yes. With overtime, police can make over 100k a year. Firefighters frequently do…and they do so much less. (I used to be one. I know) I’m a paramedic. When I was younger, I did too…and police deal with a lot more…both from their clients, and public scrutiny. They earn every penny they make. Once again, I understand that there are bad cops. But not all of them are. Your blanket statements and condemnations of a single person before you’ve met him or seen his work are disappointing, and make me sad for the future of humanity. (Worse, under a Ford government who cares about nothing but himself). I wish you better education, and hope neither of you are put in a position where you are judged by your occupation/skin colour/gender/anything else, before your actions.