Month: October 2024

Episode 297 – The Liberals’ hard-right turn on immigration

In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk about the Liberals’ cynical use of immigration, whether encouring more of it or cutting it, all for cheap points at the polls.

Episode 296 – What is with British Columbia?

In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk about the BC election, Indian interference into Canadian politics and Israel’s campaign to forcible displace and murder people in Northern Gaza.

Episode 295 – The truth about uncivil discourse

In this episode, Sandy and Nora dissect what is behind the push to restore civility to discourse and what incivility should teach us. Plus they talk about more media failures related to tragedies that have happened to Black people.

Episode 294 – One year of genocide

In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk about the view on Gaza one year after October 7, 2024. They discuss the failures of the federal government to do anything and ask: is there any point in continuing with the same tactics we’ve been doing for the past year?

Episode 293 – Careening towards nuclear war?

In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk about Israel’s invasion of Lebanon, and how incapable/unwilling Canadian media are at challenging Zionist narratives.