Episode 165 – Conspirelection debate-o-thon

In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk about the legacy of 9/11 in Canada, and how the English-language debates reveal more about the state of Canada’s democracy than pundits and politicians will admit.


Episode transcript.

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2 comments on Episode 165 – Conspirelection debate-o-thon

  1. Youri says:

    great assessment this episode and I think two episodes ago on the debates haha! yeah quite a lot of mind blowing moments, painful moments, cringe movements, Yves Francois Blanchet was quite entertaining often times and yes Trudeau is soo openly full of BS and Singh did a good job I felt holding him to account, but indeed the NDP on the provincial level ehhh the oppression of the Wet’su’wetsen (sorry if I butchered that) makes the grandstanding hard to bear. Will be an interesting result, I’d love to see the Liberals unseated and replaced by an NDP/Green coalition, but then again I’d love to see much of the smaller more radical left-wing parties like the Communist completely take Canada by storm rather then the NDP or Greens who are Diet Liberal, but if the Liberals lose many seat to the NDP or Greens and if many are truly from the Dimitri Lascaris/Meryam Haddad wing or the NDP Socialist Caucaus/Socialist Action Canada wing of the NDP are ones who get in.

    1. Youri says:

      great assessment this episode and I think two episodes ago on the debates haha! yeah quite a lot of mind blowing moments, painful moments, cringe movements, Yves Francois Blanchet was quite entertaining often times and yes Trudeau is soo openly full of BS and Singh did a good job I felt holding him to account, but indeed the NDP on the provincial level ehhh the oppression of the Wet’su’wetsen (sorry if I butchered that) makes the grandstanding hard to bear. Will be an interesting result, I’d love to see the Liberals unseated and replaced by an NDP/Green coalition, but then again I’d love to see much of the smaller more radical left-wing parties like the Communist completely take Canada by storm rather then the NDP or Greens who are Diet Liberal, but if the Liberals lose many seat to the NDP or Greens and if many are truly from the Dimitri Lascaris/Meryam Haddad wing or the NDP Socialist Caucaus/Socialist Action Canada wing of the NDP are ones who get in. then that’d be a victory symbolically for the peopler power movement and a rebuke of the system which needs a huge truly strong rebuke and not a concession to the centre right or far-right

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