The Green Party, what is it good for? Sandy and Nora ask this question in earnest and conclude that it might be time for Canada’s partisan left to get serious about fighting for what they say they believe in.

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5 comments on Episode 69 – It’s time to talk about the Greens

  1. Azim says:

    A rant on current climate policy conversations, and to a lesser extent this podcast:

    Some of the ideas being discussed here are not AT ALL scientifically sound, such as the criticism against the Greens for being willing to continue to use oil. The vast majority of leading peer-reviewed scientists overwhelmingly state natural resources are far from being viably replaced as an energy source by any other technology. There is no region in the world where renewable energy already exists as a 24/7 power source in landlocked areas. The German Energiewende policies attempted this and failed due to the limitations of current large-scale battery technology. Further, we have no way to create primary plastics without using natural resources (cracking heavy crude). With global demand for new plastics on the rise as a base resource, and knowing there are certain manufacturing processes which can not be achieved with renewed/recycled plastics. These new plastics are needed for medical products and many health technology products. Oil just is not going anywhere – even if we ban it outright all other nations will continue to produce it and use it.

    We could totally transform Canada, but the major polluters in the world will not cease to pollute. They have made it extremely clear they do not give an iota of a fuck. And, in truth, Canadians could all disappear today and global warming wouldn’t decelerate in a statistically meaningful way. If you genuinely believe that the world is going to be destroyed in 18 months do you advocate for waging violent war with major polluters (i.e. Russia, China, USA)? (I don’t, I hope you don’t too.) If not, I would suggest discussing remediation, mitigation, and adaptation based solutions. I.E. Focus on removing pollutants from the atmosphere and investing in that technology. If we want to take this concept to it’s furthest extreme Canada ought to force the most strenuous possible regulations on our resource industry and subsidize it to make it economically viable. All parties will hate this approach but it’s realpolitik. If we do this, we can displace current resource markets, set the new global standard, and force other global markets to adopt cleaner technologies to compete. It’s America’s aviation industry strategy used to generate the cleanest possible fossil fuels. We cannot pretend that yet-to-exist renewable technology of the future can solve this problem. It’s just not viable and we can’t keep lying to the general public about this. Batteries just can’t hold enough power (yet) to make solar and wind viable, and hydro isn’t viable everywhere in the world.

  2. Not one party Federally or provincially including the NDP and Green Party talk openly about the plastic waste accumulated as the byproduct of selling weed legally! Not a word is mentioned that is indicative of shortsightedness.Why do the federal and provincial goverments allow suppliers of weed to use plastic and really so much when buying weed . It seems so hypocritical to allow it to continue as the amount of one plastic tube for the use of one joint could probably produce 50 straws?

    Screen shot taken from CBC on an article that is hard to find with my name attached to it regarding plastic use.


    View the profile of “Edward H.C Graydon”
    Edward H.C Graydon
    2 years ago
    Wow ,On Facebook I had stated that it would be weeks until the first new store would open . I was wrong . Either way if Fred is there to celabrate the opening ,the optics are terrible.

    As far as the new stores they are exspense .They are wastefull as far as the pastic,glue and cardbord it takes to hold one pre-rolled joint. I could not believe it.It was like unwrapping a Gillete Mach 3 razzor package Very short sighted from an enviromental side. And to tell you the truth, I am a little concerned that the medical aspect of all this has disappeared.I mean when you are getting warnings that the same chemicals that are present in tobacco I start to wonder about the health benefits? I think the whole thing is a mess and monopolising and closing down the independents that might be growing under less harmfull conditions should be able. I do not think these stores are the answer .,I would really like to see organic weed but unless you grow your own everyone is smoking ?? It needs work. The idea in principal of leagisation is really in question .The new way seems so Plastic fantastic. « less

    View the profile of “Edward H.C Graydon”
    Edward H.C Graydon
    2 years ago
    I don’t want to crash the excitement Hamilton must feel of adding another harmful and addictive drug to our streets but the government ad that is trying to draw attention to the harmful effects states to start with small amounts don’t try too much. If I was sitting mayor I would be down playing the opening for concern for those children over five that can read . I would be promoting don’t start.Now I have seen it all ! I really did not think the day would come that a sitting mayor would celebrate the sale of a substance that is known to produce the same carcinogens as tobacco .. « less

    1. This is an open letter to the current mayor of Hamilton Ontario ! Are you so ignorant of the cities woes regarding homelessness that you openly promoted more concern for weed shops selling government grown weed while basically ignoring the possibility of applying more concern for what is now a major issue in our city. If I remember correctly ? Please fact check this because I could be wrong ! {but I doubt it} where you not more concerned with visiting every Tim Hortons while I was visiting every homeless shelter trying to draw attention to what is now currently a huge issue in this city {as stated in the 2010 election} and one that you basically belittled as a concern …..In retrospect you where on the wrong side of history .

      And I now believe on the issue of promoting more weed shops you are guilty of intent to cause harm, or you where so pathetically unconcerned that it now shows in the city.

      1. Who could have predicted the situation the world now finds itself in? I now believe the pressures of debt and the lack of access to it, is now a major problem . I believe that the figures are false and or seriously flawed when the banking industry {at least in Canada } and more than likely America as well states that debt levels are down since covid ….This is almost unquestionable inaccurate in my opinion .

        When countries who legalized weed use as a recreational drug while allowing to do so via credit card use, set a dangerous path to financial destruction . When I consider the addictive attributes that weed presents to the consumer by way of repeat business I see hypocrisy by governments in an unbearable obvious way . Those industries in Canada at least should be regulated to only debit in my personal opinion as according to all government accounts drug use has sky rocketed while unemployment is precarious at best! Makes me contemplate the possibilities that in fact debt loads on credit cards because of drug addiction has in fact climbed for many . Take the drug of choice and credit will help facilitate the transaction .This is ,I believe a big issue in 2022. I am countering the rhetoric by some that Credit card debt loads are down as I believe nothing exists in this day and age, that allows on average for that to take place.

        Both you and Trudeau lack concern for a better city and country and it is now quite obvious by you both.

        Bill Gates is correct Government is inept and Greta is right that they are pretending to care.


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    Edward H.C Graydon
    1 day ago
    Who cares?

    RS follow
    Ricky Springer
    1 day ago
    Reply to @Edward H.C Graydon: Non self indulged people who think of others ahead of themselves.

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    Edward H.C Graydon
    1 day ago
    CONTENT DEACTIVATED Reply to @Ricky Springer: Edward HC Graydon
    December 21, 2021 at 8:46 am
    All ready posted to Gates Notes !
    Edward HC Graydon

    21 minutes ago
    I know that this comparison is not what most people want to have associated with being fully vaccinated but it does seem as though the fully vaccinated are in fact carrying on the status quo with regard’s to climate change and the burning of fossil fuel use.

    Would the world be a better place to live if we banned all travel or is it better to be vaccinated and carry on the norm? Was it out of selfish ignorance that people vaccinated ? Was it fear of not being able to travel that mass amounts of Americans decided to vaccinate and was this a form of misguided priorities regarding fossil fuel use . Does being fully vaccinated allow for this to carry on with impunity or is it that those that have not been vaccinated equated the connection between the cause of climate change.

    Is there a connection between moral superiority regarding the unvaccinated and climate change ,or is this question to far fetched !

    Are the vaccinated moral corrupt concerning the issue of climate change and unwilling to go without for the sake of a better climate. « less

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